cure neck pain fast

How To Cure Neck Pain Fast At Home

It’s Monday morning, your alarm is going off and you stare at the blinging clock saying 6:30 am. As you roll over and reach to turn off the alarm, you notice your neck is screaming at you need to cure your neck pain fast. 

So you roll out of bed holding your stiff neck, trying to rub at it but continue with your morning routine. 

Off to work you go with your stiff neck barely moving and you think to yourself 

 “How can I get rid of this stiff neck pain fast? I can’t keep myself from moving it all day.”

A solution is needed – NOW.

You are not alone. 

So what do you do about it? These are the considerations for how to cure your neck pain fast at home: 

  • What Is The Cause Of A Stiff Neck? 
  • How To Treat A Stiff Neck in 60 Seconds 
  • How To Prevent A Stiff Neck 
  • How To Prevent A Stiff Neck While Sleeping
Waking with neck stiffness pain

What Is The Cause Of A Stiff Neck?

A stiff neck can occur for a few reasons. Often waking up with a stiff neck usually means we have spent too much time straining your neck in an unnatural position which has placed additional stress on your neck and shoulders. 

Everyday activities at home or work can influence neck stiffness such as 

  • Sleeping in an awkward position could leave you struggling to move your neck the next morning 
  • Prolonged hours in front of a computer can increase the strain on your neck and shoulders
  • Too much time spent looking down at things such as the dreadful smartphone or book often leads to muscle strain that overtimes turns into stiffness and discomfort 

Your body is meant to move but when you become sedentary you want to have your body supported and relaxed. If any position starts to feel uncomfortable even after a few seconds, change your position because your body won’t tolerate it for the long term. If you are aware of your habits it can help decrease the frequency of having a stiff neck or pain.

How Do I Treat A Stiff Neck In 60 seconds

So we wake up in the morning and feel that neck throb and ache. What can we do to cure our stiff neck fast? 

Here are some quick remedies to cure neck pain fast at home: 

Top remedies are: 

  1. Heat & Ice
  2. Gentle massage 
  3. Stretching 
Heat and Ice
Self Neck Massage
Women Stretching Stiff Neck

1. Alternating Heat and Ice

Heat and Ice can be a powerful combination that aids in loosening up tight muscles and relieving pain. Heat is great to use because it creates warmth by bringing more blood and flexibility to an area. Applying ice to an area focuses on calming inflammation in the area. 

Alternating the use of heat and ice for 5-10 mins at a time and at least 20 mins off will help decrease that complaint of a stiff neck. Now remember if you have any sensation difficulties such as Diabetes, Deep Vein Thrombosis or Dermatitis please steer clear of these treatments. You should consult with your doctor before use. With heat make sure it’s not burning your skin.  With ice as soon as the area gets numb you have achieved full benefit. 

2. Massaging The Area or Getting A Massage

Massage is a wonderful option and technique to work out that tension of stiffness. The purpose of a massage is to loosen up those muscles that have gotten too tight and help them stay loose. If you have a willing partner to help release the tension it will help you recover faster.  Massaging from the base of your skull to the top of your shoulder yourself will be beneficial to help cure stiff neck pain fast. 

3. Stretching

When your body spends a prolonged amount of time in one position, it can be difficult for your muscles to remain loose. Stretching can help relieve that stiffness. However we have to be cautious. You want to avoid adding too much strain to the neck that is already inflamed. We want to avoid adding more tissue damage. But working through gentle neck motions can be extremely beneficial. This is key to helping cure a stiff neck fast. Stretching is best to use after heat. You could let the hot water in the shower run over your neck and help relax your shoulders. With stretching our aim is to move through motions that are comfortable but not painful. For specific stretches, check out 5 Easy Exercises To Ease Neck Stiffness and Pain

How To Prevent A Stiff Neck

Like anything, prevention is key to our success when it comes to our bodies. Oftentimes, we can reduce or even eliminate neck stiffness fast by simply changing our routine or habits. 

For example, trying to avoid resting your head on your hand while on the arm rest of the couch while watching tv. This can cause the shoulder to fatigue and feel like the shoulder is jammed into the joint.  Do you ever feel like your shoulder is stuck after getting out of this position? If you are guilty of this, let’s work on breaking that habit. 

Add in the cell phone, I am sure you have heard about it before. Smartphones have made our lives easier but don’t do any favors for our neck and shoulders.  The hunched over posture does nothing for us in the long term. I am sure you have heard people mention Tech neck because of the posture we use when using them.

Being mindful of where we spend the majority of our time will help relieve a stiff neck in the long term. If you are working on the computer, set a schedule to get yourself up from your desk. Moving from your desk will help to release the added tension of typing on a keyboard or sitting on zoom calls. This will help your muscles stay loose and avoid becoming stiff.

Women Tech Neck
Tech Neck Neck Stiffness

How To Prevent A Stiff Neck While Sleeping

When it comes to sleeping, everyone has different styles and preferences. Our main goal should be the same.  You want to position yourself in a comfortable way that your body can relax and recover. Finding the right pillow is key to make sure your head is supported in a way that isn’t causing stiffness or pain. Sleeping in a position that avoids putting pressure on the neck or shoulders can help reduce neck stiffness and improve quality of sleep. To reduce excess stress on the neck, your spine should be in a neutral position.  We want to avoid putting ourselves in a curled up position while sleeping. Your eyes should be looking straight ahead and your chin shouldn’t be pointed up or down. Your goal is to place the pillow right above your shoulders so there are not any gaps between your shoulder and neck. 

  • Back Sleepers: Sleeping on your back is one of the best sleeping positions for your neck. It’s helps to maintain the normal curvature of your spine. Keeping your hands on your chest or sleeping with a pillow your arms will help avoid additional strain to your shoulders and neck. If you are sleeping on your back make sure you place a pillow under your knees to avoid strain to your lower back. 
Sleeping on your back for neck pain at home
relieve neck pain with sleeping on side at home

Side sleepers: Sleeping on your side by aligning your neck appropriately on the pillow can reduce pressure on the cervical facet joints, stabilize your neck and allow you to move freely. Your aim is to make sure your neck isn’t tilted but for it to remain neutral. If your head is tilted it will put more strain on your neck muscles leaving you with increased stiffness in the morning. Placing a pillow between your knees will help maintain a good spine position from your hips to your shoulders.

Stomach Sleepers: Sleeping on your stomach causes you to strain one side of your neck more than the other. If you must sleep on your stomach, use a very thin pillow to prop up the forehead. You want to create a more natural angle for the neck. If you can’t find that comfortable, try sleeping with your head rotated slightly. However use an almost flat pillow to avoid excessive neck tilt. 

Sleeping on belly with neck stiffness pain

Many people think they sleep in one position but that is not true.  You spend more time in other positions than they are aware of. You go to bed in one position and you can wake up in a completely different position. Utilizing extra pillows under your arms or along your back can make any position easier. 

About 20-70% of people in the United States experience neck pain and stiffness upon waking up during their lifetime. This causes a huge reduction in sleep quality. Over time this can lead to other negative health consequences in the future, so let’s work on solutions now. 

We hope you learned a thing or two to help you cure your neck pain fast on your own. If you want to learn more about specific exercises to do, check out The Top 5 Exercises To Help With A Stiff Neck.

(c) [2022] [Ashley Irvin, Intuitive Choice Physical Therapy and Wellness] 

physical therapy peachtree city

Ashley and Megan started Intuitive Choice Physical Therapy and Wellness to provide alternatives to our broken healthcare system and create the opportunity to serve their clients like family. We look forward to partnering with you on your journey toward true wellness.