hands on physical therapy

Why Should You Choose Hands on Physical Therapy?

Before we jump in, let’s review, what is a Physical Therapist? A Physical Therapist is a health specialist who evaluates and treats human body disorders. This includes illness and injuries that occur to the body. After they perform an evaluation of your current deficits, the goal is to return proper movement and restore the body’s …

5 Easy exercises to ease neck stiffness and pain

5 Easy Exercises For A Stiff Neck

We all felt that annoying tightness and discomfort in our necks after a night of poor sleep. If we want a long term solution, try these exercises for a stiff neck. We have to work on preventive measures like these to stop it from happening. Like we discussed in How To Cure Neck Pain Fast …

are you breathing wrong

Are You Breathing Wrong? Diaphragmatic Breathing to the Rescue

Are you breathing wrong? Did you know that there is a right and wrong way to breathe? Let’s look at the benefits of certain breathing techniques and how we can make it more efficient with diaphragmatic breathing. Are You Breathing Wrong? What Causes Our Breathing Patterns to Change? Proper Diaphragmatic Breathing Technique   Are You …

cure neck pain fast

How To Cure Neck Pain Fast At Home

It’s Monday morning, your alarm is going off and you stare at the blinging clock saying 6:30 am. As you roll over and reach to turn off the alarm, you notice your neck is screaming at you need to cure your neck pain fast.  So you roll out of bed holding your stiff neck, trying …

why do older adults fall

Why Do Older Adults Fall?

Why do older adults fall more as they age? To understand the physical reasons why falls occur, and even better, how to decrease their occurrence, we first need to understand how balance works. We gain our sense of balance from information that our brain collects from 3 different systems. We gain information to help with …

prevent falls at home

7 Ways To Prevent Falls At Home

For many of us, as we age, we start to worry about falls. Many of us know someone who has experienced a significant decline following a fall. There is also the risk for fractures, which can lead to mobility problems and require surgery. This can be something that we grow to fear. But fear not …

fix pain with squatting

How to Fix Pain With Squatting

You either love them or hate them. But the truth is, we all have to do them at some point, even if it’s to lift your dropped junk mail off of the floor. Have you ever wondered how to fix pain with squatting? Do any of these sound like you? What gives? Have no fear, …

Massage vs Physical Therapy

Many people like getting a massage. It means you get 60 mins of you time, relaxing while laying on a table while someone uses various techniques on your muscles and joints but is it the only option to help you feel better? No it’s not, but it can definitely play a role. As a fellow …

relieve back pain at home fast

How To Relieve Back Pain At Home Fast

How many times have you said, “I threw out my back again.” It happens to the best of us and is very common, so you’re not alone. Most of the time it occurs because we have overstrained tissues in the low back by either doing too strenuous of a workout, moving in a way that …

Why You Should Self Pay for Physical Therapy

Why Should You Self Pay for Physical Therapy?

Even if you have insurance, why should you self pay for physical therapy? It’s a great option for great care for those who have higher deductibles, decreased coverage from their insurance, or those who just want higher quality care. Here’s why… 1. You get more personalized, high-quality care. Your sessions are all about you and …

living a healthy lifestyle

How Do I Start Living A Healthy Lifestyle?

In order to determine how you start living a healthy lifestyle, we must first ask ourselves what it means to be healthy. There are many models of wellness and health, but we will keep it simple and talk about the 5 areas you need to consider in order to achieve true wellness.  These are: Physical  …