What Should I Expect From a Physical Therapist?

What do we do? People see our titles as a Physical Therapist, and what comes to mind? Usually it’s, “Oh yeah, they help people recover following surgery or after a sports injury. Maybe even after a stroke.”  Friends, that is the tip of the iceberg. So what should you expect from a physical therapist?

It’s very true we are a medical profession that takes care of sports injuries and people after surgery. With acute injuries, we can help with the healing process to decrease pain and improve function quicker so that you can get back to playing your sport or just taking care of your day to day tasks more quickly. We are also essential for rehabilitation after a stroke to encourage your brain to rebuild pathways for movement. 

What does a physical therapist really do? 

We are movement experts who improve your quality of life through exercise, hands on care, and giving you thorough education on your needs so you can be empowered with knowledge about how you function so that you can live your best life. 

But what most people don’t know is that we are also highly skilled at helping you to decrease pain in an area of your body so you can get back to doing the things that you want to do. We frequently treat chronic low back and pain in other areas of the body. There are more people than you think who have recurring pain, disabilities and other health conditions. This can lead to a need for occasional tune ups. We as physical therapists can help. We help those with underlying conditions such as diabetes, neuropathy, or cardiovascular conditions learn how to feel safe to exercise. You deserve to get back to a healthy lifestyle to prevent future problems. This has a profound effect on people’s ability to function and complete all of their desired daily activities. We help bring back your independence, guide you to your fitness goals and show you how to lead an active life on your terms. 

At Intuitive Choice Physical Therapy & Wellness we want to provide you with higher quality care that is specific to your needs. We are here to be an advocate for you, to truly listen without judgment. It’s important to look beyond the injury or pain that is currently occurring so that we get the whole picture. We will look at what you’re eating, how you are sleeping, your habits  and all of life’s difficulties that could be contributing to your pain or limitations. 

We go through a very specialized process to get you better, as detailed below:  

what should you expect from a physical therapist

1. Baseline and Source of Problem

First, we complete a thorough assessment to determine your baseline function–what joints or muscle groups may be working too hard and which ones may be working too little. This way we can determine the source of the problem and create a plan specific for your body. 

2. Restore Balance

To restore the balance, we use a lot of hands on treatment when appropriate for your condition. This can include various muscle relaxation techniques, mobilization or manipulation for stiff joints, and cueing to get certain muscle groups to engage at appropriate times during movement.

3. Strengthen

Then when the muscles and joints are working in proper balance, we are able to work through a progressive strengthening program. We do all of this together to ensure appropriate progression. This way, you know you are feeling it where you should, and this keeps issues from returning.

4. Function Specific

We then move to a full body approach and work on bigger function specific movements. This ensures that your body is as resilient as possible to take on your everyday activities so that the problem does not return.

Goal Achieved

When you get your goal achieved, we create specific, progressive plans to maintain your results over time. And this takes the guesswork out of what you should do for your fitness next so that you continue to live your best life.

We are truly a different healthcare provider and spend at least an hour with you because we really want to get to know you. This allows us to make the best plan to help. We are in your corner and available to you 24/7 with any of our packages. You have a neurologic and orthopedic provider on retainer. The best part is we come to you in your home or place of business so that we can better understand the things that you need to do everyday. This also makes it extra convenient for you to get the care you need. We make it easy for you to show up for yourself, and we will provide the mix of support and accountability you need to get to the finish line.

Let’s do this. 


(c) [2021] [Intuitive Choice Physical Therapy and Wellness]